www.Living Waters Landscaping.com

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cutting Pavers and Brick

Wet or Dry Cutting?

The conversation always seems to come up when talking with other paver contractors, "Should we cut wet or dry?". 

You could ask this question for brick installation as well as natural stone patios.
Cutting stone or concrete makes a mess either way you look at it. Your choices are, working in a heavy dust cloud all day or taking extra precautions not to make a huge mess when you are wet cutting your pavers. 
The dust seems to be easier to clean up, as opposed to the mud like splatter of wet cutting residue that can quickly stain anything in comes into contact with. I still prefer to cut my stone wet, mainly because I would rather spend some extra clean up time if it means I can save my lungs.
That was until I got back from a recent Techo Block seminar. They showcased a dry cutting brick saw that was dust free! 
The IQ 360 was the saw they had on the floor and it was amazing! They were cutting pavers inside the showroom! It has a built in vacuum system that collects dust under the saw. Really a cool system.
I think I'm sold! 

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